en Administrative Units Gipuzkoa - NUTS III ES212 Thoroughfare Names Spain Web Feature Service - WFS https://www.idee.es/csw-codsi-idee/srv/spa/csw?SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&REQUEST=GetRecordById&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ElementSetName=full&ID=ES.GFA.AD.WFS Addresses: Gipuzkoa INSPIRE Download Service WFS https://b5m.gipuzkoa.eus/inspire/wfs/gipuzkoa_wfs_ad?service=WFS&request=GetCapabilities https://b5m.gipuzkoa.eus/inspire/wfs/gipuzkoa_wfs_ad?service=WFS&request=GetCapabilities infoFeatureTypeService WFS of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council in accordance with the INSPIRE data specifications. It enables accessing, consulting and downloading the adresses datasets generated by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council. This information does not have an official map category, therefore it should not be used for any type of certificate. La cobertura geográficas está definida por el cuadro delimitador: oeste: -2.64142699761301, este: -1.64174658870221, sur: 42.8081659507695, norte: 43.4012668833969 2016-06-01T02:00:00+02:00 Addresses Addresses INSPIRE Web Feature Service - WFS of Gipuzkoa Provincial Council infoManagementService es E0DAT0002 Catálogo Oficial de Datos y Servicios INSPIRE INSPIRE Postal Codes XML text/xml