@prefix adms: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gsp: . @prefix locn: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix time: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a dcat:Dataset ; dct:conformsTo ; dct:description """Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or provincial capitals) and year of construction. Population and Housing Censuses"""@en, """Tabla de INEbase Edificios destinados principal o exclusivamente a viviendas y nº de inmuebles por municipios (con más de 50.000 habitantes o capitales) y año de construcción. Censos de Población y Viviendas"""@es ; dct:identifier "urn:ine:es:TABLA:PX:t20:e244:edificios:p04:6mun45" ; dct:language "en", "es" ; dct:license ; dct:modified "2013-10-09T17:04:38+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:publisher ; dct:references ; dct:spatial ; dct:title "Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or provincial capitals) and year of construction (API identifier: /t20/e244/edificios/p04/l0/6mun45.px)"@en, "Edificios destinados principal o exclusivamente a viviendas y nº de inmuebles por municipios (con más de 50.000 habitantes o capitales) y año de construcción (Identificador API: /t20/e244/edificios/p04/l0/6mun45.px)"@es ; dcat:distribution , , , , , , , , , ; dcat:keyword "1900 to 1920"@en, "1921 to 1940"@en, "1941 to 1950"@en, "1951 to 1960"@en, "1961 to 1970"@en, "1971 to 1980"@en, "1981 to 1990"@en, "1991 to 2001"@en, "Before 1900"@en, "Construction and housing"@en, "Demography and population"@en, "Municipality (with more than 50000 inhabitants or provincial capitals)"@en, "Population and Housing Censuses"@en, "Statistics"@en, "Structure and situation of the population"@en, "buildings"@en, "real estate properties"@en, "type of indicator"@en, "year of construction"@en, "Antes de 1900"@es, "Censos de Población y Viviendas"@es, "Construcción y vivienda"@es, "De 1900 a 1920"@es, "De 1921 a 1940"@es, "De 1941 a 1950"@es, "De 1951 a 1960"@es, "De 1961 a 1970"@es, "De 1971 a 1980"@es, "De 1981 a 1990"@es, "De 1991 a 2001"@es, "Demografía y población"@es, "Estadísticas"@es, "Estructura y situación de la población"@es, "Municipios (con más de 50.000 habitantes o capitales)"@es, "Total"@es, "año de construcción"@es, "edificios"@es, "inmuebles"@es, "tipo de indicador"@es ; dcat:theme , . a skos:Concept ; skos:notation "EA0010587" ; skos:prefLabel "Instituto Nacional de Estadística" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Json"@en, "Json"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://servicios.ine.es/wstempus/js/es/DATOS_TABLA/{0}?tip=AM" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "JSON" ; rdf:value "application/json" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by semicolons"@en, "Texto plano: separado por ;"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_sc/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by comma"@en, "Texto plano: separado por ,"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_c/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Excel: XLS extension"@en, "Excel: Extensión XLS"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/xls/{0}.xls" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "XLS" ; rdf:value "application/vnd.ms-excel" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "CSV: Separated by ;"@en, "CSV: separado por ;"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_bdsc/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Pc-Axis"@en, "Pc-Axis"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/px/{0}.px" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "PC-Axis" ; rdf:value "text/pc-axis" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Excel: XLSx extension"@en, "Excel: Extension XLSx"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/xlsx/{0}.xlsx" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "XLSX" ; rdf:value "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "CSV: Tab Separated"@en, "CSV: separado por tabuladores"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_bd/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Html"@en, "Html"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/Tabla.htm?tpx={0}" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "HTML" ; rdf:value "text/html" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by tab"@en, "Texto plano: separado por tabuladores"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" .