@prefix adms: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gsp: . @prefix locn: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix time: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a dcat:Dataset ; dct:conformsTo ; dct:description """Table of INEBase Dwellings by municipalities (with over 2,000 inhabitants) and type of dwelling. Population and Housing Censuses"""@en, """Tabla de INEbase Viviendas por municipios (con más de 2.000 habitantes) y tipo de vivienda. Censos de Población y Viviendas"""@es ; dct:identifier "urn:ine:es:TABLA:PX:t20:e244:viviendas:p06:10mun05" ; dct:language "en", "es" ; dct:license ; dct:modified "2013-11-13T13:30:27+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:publisher ; dct:references ; dct:spatial ; dct:title "Dwellings by municipalities (with over 2,000 inhabitants) and type of dwelling (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p06/l0/10mun05.px)"@en, "Viviendas por municipios (con más de 2.000 habitantes) y tipo de vivienda (Identificador API: /t20/e244/viviendas/p06/l0/10mun05.px)"@es ; dcat:distribution , , , , , , , , , ; dcat:keyword "1 Total dwellings (2+3)"@en, "2 Total family dwellings (2.1+2.2)"@en, "2.1 Total main dwellings (2.11+2.12)"@en, "2.11 Conventional main dwellings"@en, "2.12 Accommodations"@en, "2.2 Total non-main dwellings (2.21+2.22)"@en, "2.21 Secondary dwellings"@en, "2.22 Empty dwellings"@en, "3 Total group dwellings"@en, "Construction and housing"@en, "Demography and population"@en, "Municipalities (with over 2000 inhabitants)"@en, "Population and Housing Censuses"@en, "Statistics"@en, "Structure and situation of the population"@en, "type of dwelling"@en, "1 Total viviendas (2+3)"@es, "2 Total viviendas familiares (2.1+2.2)"@es, "2.1 Total viviendas principales (2.11+2.12)"@es, "2.11 Viviendas principales convencionales"@es, "2.12 Alojamientos"@es, "2.2 Total viviendas no principales (2.21+2.22)"@es, "2.21 Viviendas secundarias"@es, "2.22 Viviendas vacias"@es, "3 Total viviendas colectivas"@es, "Censos de Población y Viviendas"@es, "Construcción y vivienda"@es, "Demografía y población"@es, "Estadísticas"@es, "Estructura y situación de la población"@es, "Municipios (con más de 2.000 habitantes)"@es, "tipo de vivienda"@es ; dcat:theme , . a skos:Concept ; skos:notation "EA0010587" ; skos:prefLabel "Instituto Nacional de Estadística" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Excel: XLSx extension"@en, "Excel: Extension XLSx"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/xlsx/{0}.xlsx" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "XLSX" ; rdf:value "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "CSV: Tab Separated"@en, "CSV: separado por tabuladores"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_bd/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by tab"@en, "Texto plano: separado por tabuladores"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Json"@en, "Json"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://servicios.ine.es/wstempus/js/es/DATOS_TABLA/{0}?tip=AM" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "JSON" ; rdf:value "application/json" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "CSV: Separated by ;"@en, "CSV: separado por ;"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_bdsc/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by comma"@en, "Texto plano: separado por ,"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_c/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Pc-Axis"@en, "Pc-Axis"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/px/{0}.px" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "PC-Axis" ; rdf:value "text/pc-axis" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Excel: XLS extension"@en, "Excel: Extensión XLS"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/xls/{0}.xls" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "XLS" ; rdf:value "application/vnd.ms-excel" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Html"@en, "Html"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/Tabla.htm?tpx={0}" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "HTML" ; rdf:value "text/html" . a dcat:Distribution ; dct:format ; dct:title "Plain Text: separated by semicolons"@en, "Texto plano: separado por ;"@es ; dcat:accessURL "https://www.ine.es/jaxi/files/tpx/csv_sc/{0}.csv" . a dct:IMT ; rdfs:label "CSV" ; rdf:value "text/csv" .