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  • logo de metrominuto MetroMinuto APP 06-06-2024

    Metrominuto is an application that provides its users with information on distances and times between the most important points of Pontevedra. It does this through a synoptic map, imitating the design of subway maps, installed in the city signage ...

  • App logo TUrMISMO 22-04-2024

    This application designed for iOS devices offers a wide range of tourist activities in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. It acts as a travel assistant, allowing you to create an itinerary according to the interests of each user. TUrMISMO...

  • Logo de mejorgasolinera.com 20-05-2024

    Mejorgasolinera.com es un sitio web que muestra información detallada sobre todas las gasolineras del país. Los datos pueden ser filtrados por marcas, localización o carretera y ordenados por precio y distancia. Además cuenta con un buscador para...

  • App logo Electric mobility CyL 14-03-2024

    This application shows the location of charging stations for electric vehicles within the Community of Castilla y León. The user can select the province of interest and access information on the available stations. For each station, various information...

  • App logo mOUbil 14-02-2024

    This mobile application developed by the City Council of Ourense allows you to consult updated information about the city: news, notices or upcoming events on different topics such as:  Arts and festivities: Cultural events organized by the...

  • App logo Wireless Valencia 09-02-2024

    The application shows all public wireless networks in the city of Valencia and allows its geolocation. It offers a map to identify the location of the network and a free text field to insert any comment. It also has a detailed screen with which the user...

  • ContratosMenores.es Logo ContratosMenores.es 23-02-2024

    ContratosMenores.es is a website that provides information on minor contracts carried out in Spain since January 2022. Through this application you can locate the contracts according to their classification in the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV),...

  • Logo app IGN 28-11-2014

    Aplicación móvil oficial de la Red Sísmica Nacional (IGN y Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible) que permite la recepción y visualización de todos los eventos sísmicos de España y alrededores. Disponible para Android, IOS...