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  • imagen sobre la IA y su impacto en el empleo con una chica delante de unas pantallas sosteniendo un portátil How AI is transforming employment 10-06-2024

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various aspects of society and our environment. With ever faster technological advances, AI is transforming the way daily tasks are performed in different sectors of the economy.    As such,...

  • Foto procesos From data strategy to data governance system (part 2) 30-10-2023

    In the first part of this article, the concept of data strategy was introduced as the organisation's effort to put the necessary data at the service of its business strategy. In this second part, we will explore some aspects related to the...

  • gobierno del dato From data strategy to data governance system (part 1) 30-10-2023

    More and more organisations are deciding to govern their data to ensure that it is relevant, adequate and sufficient for its intended uses, i.e. that it has a certain organisational value. Although the scenarios are often very diverse, a close look at...

  • FOTO Invisibilisation and algorithmic discrimination 06-10-2023

    Digital technology and algorithms have revolutionised the way we live, work and communicate. While promising efficiency, accuracy and convenience, these technologies can exacerbate prejudice and social inequalities exacerbate prejudice and social...

  • foto UNE 0081 Specification - Data Quality Assessment Guide 27-09-2023

    Today, data quality plays a key role in today's world, where information is a valuable asset. Ensuring that data is accurate, complete and reliable has become essential to the success of organisations, and guarantees the success of informed decision...

  • 79 07-09-2023

    Continuamos en esta segunda entrega de la serie de artículos con la aplicación de las especificaciones UNE. Antes de nada, recordemos que las Especificaciones UNE 0077, UNE 0078 y UNE 0079 introducen las buenas prácticas en el gobierno del dato, gestión...

  • foto A common language to enable interoperability between open dataset catalogs 30-08-2023

    Open data plays a relevant role in technological development for many reasons. For example, it is a fundamental component in informed decision making, in process evaluation or even in driving technological innovation. Provided they are of the highest...

  • dataesfera The data sphere we live in: the interconnected data system 04-05-2023

    As technology and connectivity have advanced in recent years, we have entered a new era in which data never sleeps and the amount of data circulating is greater than ever. Today, we could say that we live enclosed in a sphere surrounded by data and this...

  • Los datos en la Carta de Derechos Digitales The data in the Digital Charter of Rights 05-08-2021

    Just a few days ago has been officially presented the Digital Charter of Rights. It is an initiative that has had a wide representation of civil society since, on the one hand, a wide and diverse work team has been in charge of its drafting and, on...

  • Las librerías y APIs de visualización de datos más populares The most popular data visualization APIs and libraries 03-06-2021

    A couple of weeks ago, we commented in this article the importance of data analysis tools to generate representations that allow a better understanding of the information and make better decisions. In this article we divide these tools into 2 categories...
