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inteligencia artificial

  • Computer keyboard with icons representing AI-related courses Courses to broaden your knowledge of artificial intelligence 13-07-2022

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been pervasive in our lives for several years now. While there is no exact definition of AI, one description could be "the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and...

  • cursos de verano Data-related university courses to broaden your knowledge this summer 09-06-2021

    Summer is just around the corner and with it the well-deserved holidays. Undoubtedly, this time of year gives us time to rest, reconnect with the family and spend pleasant moments with our friends. However, it is also a great opportunity to take...

  • Libros datos y tecnología Navidad 8 books on data and technology to give away this Christmas 23-12-2020

    2020 is coming to an end and in this unusual year we are going to have to experience a different, calmer Christmas with our closest nucleus. What better way to enjoy those moments of calm than to train and improve your knowledge of data and new...

  • Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial The role of open data in the new National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence 15-12-2020

    Spain already has a new National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. The document, which includes 600 million euros for measures related to artificial intelligence (AI), was presented on December 2 at the Palacio de la Moncloa. The National Strategy for...

  • Mapa IA Published the map of capacities on technologies of Artificial Intelligence of Spain 22-10-2019

    The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has published a map that includes the current state of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem in Spain. This action is included in the Spanish R + D + I AI Strategy and it is also one of the...

  • IA Artificial intelligence and open data 29-04-2019

    In the policies promoted by the European Union, an intimate connection between artificial intelligence and open data has been considered. In this regard, as we highlighted, open data is essential for the proper functioning of artificial intelligence,...

  • IA 29-04-2019

    En las políticas que está impulsando la Unión Europea se ha planteado la existencia de una íntima conexión entre la inteligencia artificial y los datos abiertos. A este respecto, como se ha destacado, los datos abiertos son esenciales para el correcto...

  • informe accenture How to improve the acquisition of skills in the era of intelligent technologies 27-12-2018

    New technologies are changing the world we live in. The society changes, the economy changes, and with that, the jobs change. The implementation of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data or Internet of Things are driving the demand for...

  • IA negocios Artificial intelligence impact on business value chain 21-08-2018

    The commercial adoption of any new technology and, therefore, its incorporation into the business value chain follows a cycle that can be moulded in different ways. One of the best known models is the Gartner hype cycle. With regard to artificial...

  • IA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a simple and affordable way 26-06-2018

    Not all press headlines on Artificial Intelligence are true, but do not make the mistake of underestimating the changes in the coming years thanks to the development of AI. Artificial intelligence has not yet changed our lives, but we are experiencing...
