How to prepare a dataset for machine learning and análisis

Fecha de la noticia: 28-04-2023


In the process of analysing data and training machine learning models, it is essential to have an adequate dataset. Therefore, the questions arise: how should you prepare your datasets for machine learning and analytics, and how can you be confident that the data will lead to robust conclusions and accurate predictions?

The first thing to consider when preparing your data is to know the type of problem you are trying to solve. For example, if your intention is to create a machine learning model capable of recognising someone's emotional state from their facial expressions, you will need a dataset with images or videos of people's faces. Or, perhaps, the goal is to create a model that identifies unwanted emails. For this, you will need data in text format from emails.

Furthermore, the data required also depends on the type of algorithm you want to use. Supervised learning algorithms, such as linear regression or decision trees, require a field containing the true value of an outcome for the model to learn from. In addition to this true value, called the target, they require fields containing information about the observations, known as features. In contrast, unsupervised learning algorithms, such as k-means clustering or recommendation systems based on collaborative filtering, usually only need features.

However, finding the data is only half the job. Real-world datasets can contain all sorts of errors that can render all the work useless if they are not detected and corrected before starting. In this post, we'll introduce some of the main pitfalls that can be found in datasets for machine learning and analytics, as well as some ways in which the collaborative data science platform, Datalore, can help spot them quickly and remedy them.

Is the data representative of what you want to measure?

Most datasets for machine learning projects or analytics are not designed specifically for that purpose. In the absence of a metadata dictionary or an explanation of what the fields in the dataset mean, the user may have to figure out the unknown based on the information available to them.

One way to determine what features in a dataset measure is to check their relationships to other features. If two fields are assumed to measure similar things, one would expect them to be closely related. Conversely, if two domains measure very different things, you would expect them to be unrelated. These ideas are known as convergent and discriminant validity, respectively.

Another important thing to check is whether any of the traits are too closely related to the target audience. If this happens, it may indicate that this feature is accessing the same information as the target to be predicted. This phenomenon is known as feature leakage. If such data is used, there is a risk of artificially inflating the performance of the model.

In this sense, Datalore allows you to quickly scan the relationship between continuous variables by means of the correlation graph in the Visualise tab for a DataFrame. Another way to test these relationships is by using bar charts or cross tabulations, or effect size measures such as the coefficient of determination or Cramer's V.

Is the dataset properly filtered and cleaned?

Datasets can contain all kinds of inconsistencies that can negatively affect our models or analyses. Some of the most important indicators of dirty data are:

  • Implausible values: This includes values that are out of range, such as negatives in a count variable or frequencies that are much higher or lower than expected for a particular field.
  • Outliers: These are extreme values, which can represent anything from coding errors that occurred at the time the data were written, to rare but real values that lie outside the bulk of the other observations.
  • Missing values: The pattern and amount of missing data determines the impact it will have, the most serious being those related to the target or features.

Dirty data can undermine the quality of your analyses and models, largely because it distorts conclusions or leads to poor model performance. Datalore's Statistics tab makes it easy to check for these problems by showing at a glance the distribution, the number of missing values and the presence of outliers for each field. Datalore also facilitates the exploration of the raw data and allows to perform basic filtering, sorting and column selection operations directly in a DataFrame, exporting the Python code corresponding to each action to a new cell.

Are the variables balanced?

Unbalanced data occur when categorical fields have an uneven distribution of observations across all classes. This situation can cause significant problems for models and analyses. When you have a very unbalanced target, you can create lazy models that can still achieve good performance by simply predicting the majority class by default. Let's take an extreme example: we have a dataset where 90% of the observations fall into one of the target classes and 10% fall into the other. If we always predicted the majority class for this dataset, we would still get an accuracy of 90%, which shows that, in these cases, a model that learns nothing from the features can perform excellently.

Features are also affected by class imbalance. Models work by learning patterns, and when classes are too small, it is difficult for models to make predictions for these groups. These effects can be exacerbated when you have several unbalanced features, leading to situations where a particular combination of rare classes can only occur in a handful of observations.

Unbalanced data can be rectified by various sampling techniques. Undersampling involves reducing the number of observations in the larger classes to equalise the distribution of the data, and oversampling involves creating more data in the smaller classes. There are many ways to do this. Examples include using Python packages such as imbalanced-learn or services such as Gretel. Unbalanced features can also be corrected by feature engineering, which aims to combine classes within a field without losing information.

In short, is the dataset representative?

When creating a dataset, you have in mind a target group for which you want your model or analysis to work. For example, a model to predict the likelihood that American men interested in fashion will buy a certain brand. This target group is the population you want to be able to make generalisations about. However, as it is often impractical to collect information on all individuals who constitute this part of the population, a subset called a sample is used instead.

Sometimes problems arise that cause the sample data for the machine learning model and analysis to misrepresent the behaviour of the population. This is called data bias. For example, the sample may not capture all subgroups of the population, a type of bias called selection bias.

One way to check for bias is to inspect the distribution of the fields in your data and check that they make sense based on what you know about that population group. Using Datalore's Statistics tab allows you to scan the distribution of continuous and categorical variables in a DataFrame.

Is the actual performance of the models being measured?

A final issue that can put you in a bind is measuring the performance of your models. Many models are prone to a problem called overfitting which is when the model fits the training data so well that it does not generalise well to new data. The telltale sign of overfitting is a model that performs extremely well on training data and underperforms on new data. The way to account for this is to split the dataset into several sets: a training set to train the model, a validation set to compare the performance of different models, and a final test set to check how the model will perform in the real world.

However, creating a clean training-validation-testing split can be tricky. A major problem is data leakage, whereby information from the other two datasets leaks into the training set. This can lead to problems ranging from the obvious, such as duplicate observations ending up in all three datasets, to more subtle ones, such as using information from the entire dataset to perform feature pre-processing before splitting the data. In addition, it is important that the three datasets have the same distribution of targets and features, so that each is a representative sample of the population.

To avoid any problems, you should split the dataset into training, validation and test sets at the beginning of your work, prior to any exploration or processing. To ensure that each dataset has the same distribution of each field, you can use a method such as scikit-learn's train_test_split, which is specifically designed to create representative splits of the data. Finally, it is advisable to compare the descriptive statistics of each dataset to check for signs of data leakage or uneven splits, which is easily done using the Statistics tab in Datalore.

Ultimately, there are a number of issues that can occur when preparing data for machine learning and analytics and it is important to know how to mitigate them. While this can be a time-consuming part of the work process, there are tools that can make it quicker and easier to spot problems at an early stage.

Content drawn from Jodie Burchell's post How to prepare your dataset for machine learning and analysis published in The JetBrains Datalore Blog