
Year the company was founded: 2016

Company web page:

Datadista is a media specialized in investigative and data journalism, and the use of new narratives. Datadista carries out a three-speed journalism: they start working on Corruption Notebooks, designed to explain recent macro-causes in a simple way; they continue with stories based on data journalism and explanatory videos; and later, they carried out their first in-depth research project, called Playa Burbuja, a printed book funded through a crowdfunding campaign.

Main products and services:

Interactive visualizations (maps, graphs, scrollytelling, etc.), specific products for social networks (Twitter threads, vertical videos, etc.), audiovisual products, printed books and journalistic investigations.

Key to success:

Datadista explains complex topics in a simple way using classic techniques of investigative journalism joint with innovations in data analysis and visualization, using all types of media and formats.


Datadista is a sustainable company thanks to the development of projects based on pay per- view-content and the development of special multimedia content for third parties based on open data.

Future plans:

Evolve the app, including some improvements and additional services. Diversification of income sources through freemium products and specialized services.

Data used:

Public: INE, BOE, BORME, Commercial Register, State Contracting, Ministerial Statistics (Promotion, Employment, Finance, Environment, Health, Education, etc.), General State Budgets, Regional and local budgets, Open Data Portals ( Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Zaragoza, Malaga, etc.), Courts and Chambers of Accounts, CNMV, CNMC, etc.

Company size:

1-10 employees

Offices in:


Level of internalization:



Non-profit associations, foundations, NGOs and the media.

Marketing model:

They provide specialized services, directly.

Further information:

Content provided by the reuse company.

The content and opinions shown in this publication are the exclusive responsibility of the author.