Estudio Alfa

Year the company was founded: 2008

Company web page:

Estudio Alfa logo

Estudio Alfa is a technology company dedicated to offering services that promote the image of companies and brands on the Internet, including the development of apps. To carry out these services, they use techniques and strategies that comply with usability standards and favour positioning in search engines, thus helping their clients' websites to receive more visitors and thus potential clients. They also have special experience in the production and tourism sectors.


Main products and services:

Among its main products/services are some of them:

- Online marketing consultancy
- Online shop development
- Online marketing
- Web design
- App development

It is in this last point where Estudio Alfa uses open data to develop some of its products. This company is listed in the directory of applications that use information from the Zaragoza Open Data Portal. In it we find 'Fiestas Pilar', an app developed by this company whose main objective is to make the Fiestas del Pilar Programme available to users in an attractive, convenient and intuitive way. It also offers other features such as the geolocation of all the places where the activities take place and how to get to them or the possibility of creating a personalised Fiestas agenda.

Key to success:

Use of open source solutions


Increase by 10 the number of countries in which we provide our customised software solutions development services.

Future plans:

Expansion into the Latin American market.

Data used:

The aforementioned application, which has been developed by this company, has used information from Zaragoza City Council's open data catalogue for its development and operation.

URL to catalog/s data source:

Company size:

1-10 employees



Level of internalization:

Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Venezuela, France


SMEs with up to 50 employees from a wide range of sectors and some public administrations such as Albacete City Council, Zaragoza City Council, Castilla - La Mancha Regional Government, etc.

Marketing model:

Provision of services for the development of the Zaragoza Pilar Festivities application for Zaragoza TURISMO

Content provided by the reuse company.

The content and opinions shown in this publication are the exclusive responsibility of the author.