Year the company was founded: 2012

Company web page: http://www.porcentual.es

They use data to make current visualizations (graphs and maps). These graphics are subsequently published on different websites, mainly digital media.

Main products and services:

Data visualizations of current issues.
- Events coverage through real-time data, such as electoral processes.
- Maps and graphics ad hoc for different clients.

Key to success:

Offer quality information close to the web editors quickly and efficiently.


Currently they work for about 80 web pages but in the periods of maximum activity -electoral processes-, they have worked for more than 150 current web pages.

Data used:

Public data from organizations such as the National Statistics Institute, the Center for Sociological Research, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Finance, Eustat ...

Company size:

1-10 employees




Mediaset, La Vanguardia, Público, La Razón, 20Minutos, Yahoo!, Infolibre...

Marketing model:

Subscription and pay-per-use.

Further information:


Content provided by the reuse company.

The content and opinions shown in this publication are the exclusive responsibility of the author.