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  • Unidades didácticas Training materials on open data by Iniciativa Aporta 23-03-2017

    In the Action Plan of the International Open Data Conference, capacity development has become a priority within the international open data movement. After all, the need for training tools is essential for leaders responsible for PSI policies, data...

  • Recursos DCAT-AP Available resources to learn more about DCAT-AP 07-06-2018

    The DCAT-AP application profile aims to describe, using metadata, the catalogs and datasets of European open data portals. For this, DCAT-AP is based on Data Catalogs Vocabulary (DCAT), published by W3C. In particular, the DCAT-AP is a specification that...

  • Informe DCAT-AP y sus extensiones DCAT-AP and its extensions: Context and evolution 23-02-2018

    One of the main challenges that arise when addressing an Open Data initiative is to define the information architecture and facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published by different portals on the Web. In order to solve this challenge, the...

  • Guia NTI-RISP 28-07-2016

    Este documento constituye una guía de aplicación de la Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de Reutilización de recursos de información del sector público, y como tal, su objetivo es servir como herramienta de apoyo para la aplicación e...

  • DCAT-AP 03-12-2019

    Con la aparición de nuevos portales de datos abiertos a escala local, regional y nacional, el sector privado y los ciudadanos pueden tener dificultades a la hora de encontrar y reutilizar la información pública. Bajo este marco, dentro del proyecto...