Upcoming events on data and related technologies

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February 29 2024

There is never an end to opportunities to discuss, learn and share experiences on open data and related technologies. In this post, we select some of the upcoming ones, and tell you everything you need to know: what it's about, when and where it takes place and how you can register.

Don't miss this selection of events on cutting-edge topics such as geospatial data, accessible data reuse strategies and even innovative trends in data journalism. the best thing? All are free of charge.

Let's talk about data in Alicante

The National Association of Big Data and Analytics (ANBAN) is organising an open and free event in Alicante to debate and exchange views on data and artificial intelligence. During the meeting, not only will use cases that relate data with AI be presented, but also a part of the event will be dedicated to encourage networking among the attendees.

Open Data Day in Barcelona: Re-using data to improve the city

Open Data Day is an international event that brings together open data activities around the world. Within this framework, the barcelona Open Data initiative initiative has organised an event to discuss projects and strategies for the publication and reuse of open data to make a clean, safe, friendly and accessible city possible.

  • What is it about? Through open data projects and data-driven strategies, the challenge of security, coexistence of uses and maintenance of shared spaces in municipalities will be addressed. The aim is to generate dialogue between organisations that publish and reuse data to add value and develop strategies together.
  • When and where? On 6 March from 5 to 7.30 p.m. at Ca l'Alier (C/ de Pere IV, 362).
  • How do I register? Through this link: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-open-data-day-2024-819879711287?aff=oddtdtcreator

Presentation of the "Good Practice Guide for Data Journalists"

The Valencian Observatory of Open Data and Transparency of the Universitat Politècnica de València has created a guide for journalists and data professionals with practical advice on how to turn data into attractive and relevant journalistic stories for society. The author of this reference material will talk to a data journalist about the challenges and opportunities that data offers in journalism.

Geodata Conference of the Madrid City Council Geoportal

Madrid hosts the sixth edition of this event which brings together heads of institutions and benchmark companies in cartography, geographic information systems, digital twin, BIM, Big Data and artificial intelligence. The event will also be used as an opportunity to award the prizes of the Geodata Stand.

  • What is it about? Followingin the footsteps of previous years, the Madrid Geodata Conference will present case studies and new developments in cartography, digital twinning, reuse of georeferenced data, as well as the best papers presented at the Geodata Stand.
  • When and where? The event starts on 12 March at 9am in the Auditorio de La Nave in Madrid and will last until 2pm. The following day, 13 March, the session will be virtual and will present the projects and new developments in geo-information production and distribution via the Madrid Geoportal.
  • How do I register? Through the event portal. Places are limited https://geojornadas.madrid.es/

3rd URJC Free Culture Conference

The Free Culture Conference of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos is a meeting point, learning and exchange of experiences about free culture in the university. Topics such as open publishing of teaching and research materials, open science, open data, and free software will be addressed.

  • What is it about? The two-day event will feature presentations by experts, workshops on specific topics and an opportunity for the university community to present papers. In addition, there will be an exhibition space where tools and news related to culture and free software will be shared, as well as a poster exhibition area
  • When and where? 20 and 21 March at the Fuenlabrada Campus of the URJC
  • How do I register? Registration is free of charge via this link: https://eventos.urjc.es/109643/tickets/iii-jornadas-de-cultura-libre-de-la-urjc.html

These are some of the upcoming events. In any case, don't forget to follow us on social media so you don't miss any news about innovation and open data. We are on Twitter y LinkedIn you can also write to us at dinamizacion@datos.gob.es if you would like us to add another event to the list or if you need extra information.