Share your Application

Share your Application

If you have developed or know of an application that uses open data, and you want to include it in the portal application catalogue, please use this form. Displaying your application on gives it greater visibility, and it can serve as an example or reference for others.

Fill in the required details (remember that the more information you add, the more complete the file will be). Once you have provided the data, click “Send” so that it is sent for review. If all the details are correct, your application will soon be visible in the Impact section of the portal; if not, we will contact you by the channels indicated to notify you of any doubts we may have.

Moreover, the Aporta Initiative assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the description page or the website that describes the application in more detail.

Plain text

To visualize the image well it is recommended that it has the following dimensions: 530x320px. NOTE: The images in the listings will conform to the following measures: 250x130px.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Publication date *
E.g., 17-06-2024
Las imágenes se mostrarán con un tamaño de 300 x 300 px
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Contact data
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