Share your Reuse company

Share your Reuse company

With the following form you can add to the portal a new case of companies or entities that reuse open data in their operations. With this publication we want to help you to disseminate your company’s activity, positioning it as a leader in creating business success based on open data.

The cases of reuse registered will be reviewed and approved by the portal management team and, once published, they will be available for consultation in the Reuse companies section. We will also facilitate the dissemination of you case of reuse on the pan-European portal, taking care of the necessary translation and formalities.

Moreover, the Aporta Initiative assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the description page or the website that describes the company in more detail.

To visualize the image well it is recommended that it has the following dimensions: 530x320px. NOTE: The images in the listings will conform to the following measures: 250x130px.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Year the company was founded *
Indicate the Spanish cities the company has presence.
Indicate the city of the headquarters.
Indicate the countries in which the company has a presence outside of Spain.
Select the categories associated with the main topics on which the products and / or services developed by the company relate

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If the company has an application that is already registered in the application catalog, indicate the name here. You can indicate several names.

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Indicate the name of the companies or the type of client you offer your services to: company size, industry, etc.

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Indicate what type of data sources are used: public or public + private

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Indicate the format of the service: free, freemium, pay-per-use, subscription, donations, advertising revenue, etc. as well as how it is commercialised: directly or through partners.

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You can use different parameters to indicate your level of effectiveness: turnover, revenue, number of employees, number of clients, etc.

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Indicate an email or contact method that can be used by users who are interested in the activity of the company.
Contact data
Insert a valid email. Example: