A projects on gentrification wins the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge

Fecha de la noticia: 23-05-2019

reto BCN datos abiertos

After months of work, the second edition of the Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge has come to end. Leading by the City Council of Barcelona and with the collaboration of the Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona and CESIRE, the project seeks to promote the knowledge and use of open data in schools in the city.

The final act took place on May 8 at the Fábrica de Creació de Fabra i Coats. In front of more than 300 attendees, Laia Servera, journalist and director of InfoK - the news program of Super3, the children's channel of Catalonian Television - acted as master of ceremonies. The event was also attended by Màrius Boada i Pla, Director of the Municipal Office of Dades, responsible for opening and closing the session, and national and international experts through video-conference: Martin Alvarez Espinar, director in Spain of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Antje Kirchner, Survey Methodologist and head of the BigSurv18 congress, Esther Huyer, representative of the European Data Portal, and Taisuke Matsuzaki, representative of the Kobe City Council who commented on the experience of the World Data Viz Challenge 2018 Barcelona-Kobe .

During the event, the students of the 8 finalist centres had the opportunity to present and defend their work. After the jury deliberation, the prizes were awarded as follows:

  • The first prize went to the Institut Vila de Gràcia in Barcelona, ​​with the project "La gentrificació als barris a Barcelona" (Gentrification in Barcelona neighbourhoods). The objective of the project was to show the process of urban transformation caused by strategic speculative actions that cause the displacement of the original population from one neighbourhood to another. To do this, the students developed a gentrification index, using datasets such as Number of inhabitants that leave their neighbourhoods, Purchase in relation to total housing or Rent variation in € / m2.

  • The second prize went to the Institut Lluïsa Cura with "Evolució del comerç als barris de Barcelona" (Commerce evolution in Barcelona neighbourhoods). With this projects, the students wanted to confirm that traditional commerce was losing market share due to international brand stores and new forms of small convenience stores. For this, they used data related to the surface of the cadastral premises in Barcelona city.

  • The third prize went to the Institut Joan Brossa and his "On locate the meva botiga to Barcelona?" (Where to locate my store in Barcelona?). The analysis was based on the comparison of the Commercial Endowment Index and the Commercial Attraction Index.

Highlight the great effort that teachers and students have made one more year to create very interesting projects. You can learn more about the winning projects and the rest of the finalist projects here.

Congratulations to the winners and all the participants! Now we only have to wait for the third edition 2020, which will surely be also a success.