We reveal the 10 finalists of the III edition of the Aporta Challenge

Fecha de la noticia: 05-03-2021

Desafío Aporta

Last October, the Aporta Initiative, together with the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence and Red.es, launched the third edition of the Aporta Challenge. Under the slogan "The value of data in digital education", the aim was to reward ideas and prototypes capable of identifying new opportunities to capture, analyse and use data intelligence in the development of solutions in the field of education.

Among the proposals submitted in Phase I, there were a wide range of entries. From individuals to university academic teams, educational institutions and private companies, which have devised web platforms, mobile applications and interactive solutions with data analytics and machine learning techniques as protagonists.

A jury of renowned prestige has been in charge of evaluating the proposals submitted based on a series of public criteria. The 10 solutions selected as finalists are:



  • Team: Jimena Andrade, Guillermo Vega, Miguel Bote, Juan Ignacio Asensio, Irene Ruano, Felipe Bravo and Cristóbal Ordóñez.

What is it?

EducaWood is a socio-semantic web portal that allows to explore the forest information of an area of the Spanish territory and to enrich it with tree annotations. Teachers can propose environmental learning activities contextualized to their environment. Students carry out these activities during field visits by means of tree annotations (location and identification of species, measurements, microhabitats, photos, etc.) through their mobile devices. In addition, EducaWood allows virtual field visits and remote activities with the available forestry information and annotations generated by the community, thus enabling its use by vulnerable groups and in Covid scenarios.

EducaWood uses sources such as the Spanish Forest Map, the National Forest Inventory or GeoNames, which have been integrated and republished as linked open data. The annotations generated by the students' activities will also be published as linked open data, thus contributing to community benefit.

Data Education. Innovation and Human Rights.

  • Team: María Concepción Catalán, Asociación Innovación y Derechos Humanos (ihr.world).

What is it?

This proposal presents a data education web portal for students and teachers focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its main objective is to propose to its users different challenges to be solved through the use of data, such as 'What were women doing in Spain in 1920' or 'How much energy is needed to maintain a farm of 200 pigs'.

This initiative uses data from various sources such as the UN, the World Bank, Our World in Data, the European Union and each of its countries. In the case of Spain, it uses data from datos.gob.es and INE, among others.


  • Team: Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid, Carlos III University of Madrid and DIMETRICAL The Analytics Lab S.L.

What is it?

UniversiDATA-Lab is a public and open portal whose function is to host a catalog of advanced and automatic analyses of the datasets published in the UniversiDATA portal, and which is the result of the collaborative work of universities. It arises as a natural evolution of the current "laboratory" section of UniversiDATA, opening the scope of potential analysis to all present and future datasets/universities, in order to improve the aspects analysed and encourage universities to be laboratories of citizenship, providing a differential value to society.

All the datasets that universities are publishing or will publish in UniversiDATA are potentially usable to carry out in-depth analyses, always considering the respect for the protection of personal data. The specific sources of the analyses will be published on GitHub to encourage the collaboration of other users to contribute improvements.


  • Team: Pablo García, Adolfo Ruiz, Miguel Luis Bote, Guillermo Vega, Sergio Serrano, Eduardo Gómez, Yannis Dimitriadis, Alejandra Martínez and Juan Ignacio Asensio.

What is it?

This web application pursues the learning of art history through different educational environments. It allows students to visualize and perform geotagged tasks on a map. Teachers can propose new tasks, which are added to the public repository, as well as select the tasks that may be more interesting for their students and visualize the ones they perform. On the other hand, a mobile version of LocalizARTE will be developed in the future, in which the user will need to be close to the place where the tasks are geotagged in order to perform them.

The open data used in the first version of LocalizARTE comes from the list of historical monuments of Castilla y León, DBpedia, Wikidata, Casual Learn SPARQL and OpenStreetMap.

Study PISA data and datos.gob.es

  • Team: Antonio Benito, Iván Robles and Beatriz Martínez.

What is it?

This project is based on the creation of a dashboard that allows to view information from the PISA report, conducted by the OECD, or other educational assessments along with data provided by datos.gob.es of socioeconomic, demographic, educational or scientific scope. The objective is to detect which aspects favour an increase in academic performance using a machine learning model, so that effective decision-making can be carried out. The idea is that schools themselves can adapt their educational practices and curricula to the learning needs of students to ensure greater success.

This application uses various open data from  INE, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training or PISA Spain.

Big Data in Secondary Education... and Secondary in Education

  • Team: Carmen Navarro, Nazaret Oporto School.

What is it?

This proposal pursues two objectives: on the one hand, to improve the training of secondary school students in digital skills, such as the control of their digital profiles on the Internet or the use of open data for their work and projects. On the other hand, the use of data generated by students in an e-learning platform such as Moodle to determine patterns and metrics to personalize learning. All of this is aligned with the SDGs and the 20-30 Agenda.

Data used for its development come from the WHO and the datathon "Big Data in the fight against obesity", where several students proposed measures to mitigate global obesity based on the study of public data.

DataLAB: the Data Lab in Education

  • Team: iteNlearning, Ernesto Ferrández Bru.

What is it?

Data obtained with empirical Artificial Intelligence techniques such as big data or machine learning offer correlations, not causes. iteNleanring bases its technology on scientific models with evidence, as well as on data (from sources such as INE or the Basque Institute of Statistics - Eustat). These data are curated in order to assist teachers in decision making, once DataLAB identifies the specific needs of each student.

DataLAB Mathematics is a professional educational tool that, based on neuropsychological and cognitive models, measures the level of neurodevelopment of the specific cognitive processes developed by each student. This generates an educational scorecard that, based on data, informs us of the specific needs of each person (high ability, dyscalculia...) so that they can be enhanced and/or reinforced, allowing an evidence-based education.

The value of podcasting in digital education

  • Team: Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles and Débora Núñez Morales.

What is it?

2020 has been the year in which podcasts have taken off as a new digital format for the consumption of different areas of information. This idea seeks to take advantage of the boom of this tool to use it in the educational field so that students can learn in a more enjoyable and different way.

The proposal includes the official syllabus of secondary or university education, as well as competitive examinations, which can be obtained from open data sources and official websites. Through natural language processing technologies, these syllabi are associated with existing audios of teachers on history, English, philosophy, etc. on platforms such as iVoox or Spotify, resulting in a list of podcasts by course and subject.

The data sources used for this proposal include the Public Employment Offer of Castilla La Mancha or the educational competences in different stages.

MIPs Project

  • Team: Aday Melián Carrillo, Daydream Software.

What is it?

A MIP (Marked Information Picture) is a new interactive information tool, consisting of a series of interactive layers on static images that facilitate the retention of information and the identification of elements.

This project consists of a service for creating MIPs quickly and easily by manually drawing regions of interest on any image imported through the web. The created MIPs will be accessible from any device and have multiple applications as a teaching, personal and professional resource.

In addition to manual creation, the authors have implemented an automatic GeoJSON to MIP data converter in Python. As a first step, they have developed a MIP of Spanish provinces from this public database.


  • Team: Harut Alepoglian and Benito Cuezva, German School Cultural Association, Zaragoza.

What is it?

The Frischluft (Fresh Air) project is a hardware and software solution for measuring environmental parameters in the school. It aims to improve the thermal comfort of the classrooms and increase the protection of the students through intelligent ventilation, while consolidating a tractor project that drives the digital transformation of the school.

This proposal uses data sources from Zaragoza City Council on CO2 levels in the urban environment of the city and international data repositories to measure global emissions, which are compared through statistical techniques and machine learning models.

Next steps

All of these ideas have been able to capture how to best use data intelligence to develop real solutions in the education sector. The finalists now have 3 months to develop a prototype. The three prototypes that receive the best evaluation from the jury, according to the established evaluation criteria, will be awarded 4,000, 3,000 and 2,000 euros respectively.

Good luck to all participants!

Ficheros Adjuntos:

    • Infographics finalists Aporta
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