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  • Asistente licencias EDP The licensing assistant of the European Data Portal 29-10-2019

    One of the main difficulties in promoting the reuse of public sector information refers to the diversity of licenses. Given the absence of a general obligation, each public entity can decide the legal conditions to access for subsequent reuse taking into...

  • Licencias The reuse and use conditions of licenses 29-08-2019

    In the regulation of the right of access to public sector information, making a request is essential to obtain the data. This request gives rise to the corresponding administrative procedure, so that the user could obtain the information only after the...

  • Licencias de datos Why are licenses important? 05-12-2017

    Usually news related to intellectual property, copyright and licenses for works published on the Internet arise. Internet has been associated with a large open and public space, where everything is shared by all. But this is not the case, and contents...

  • licencias, open data, creative commons, Open Data Commons, datos abiertos, risp 28-05-2014

    Se denomina open data a aquellos datos en formato abierto y estándar bajo licencias de uso no restrictivas que permiten el acceso y reutilización de dicha información. Siguiendo este principio, cada portal de datos abiertos en España determina un tipo de...

  • Logo auPSI 26-01-2010

    La plataforma de de información pública auPSI ha publicado el borrador de un informe titulado: Permitiendo el acceso abierto a la información del sector público con licencias Creative Commons: La experiencia de Australia. El anuncio dice lo...