Data availability

In this section, you will find queries raised by other users regarding data not yet available in the Data catalogue. The queries received are allocated to the body responsible for the matter in question and that body will respond to the query and indicate its current status. In order to join such a request, you need to access its details.

Important: This channel aims to communicate the data requests of re-users to the Administration in order to help advance the open data initiatives launched. In no case will it replace the procedure for processing reuse applications provided for in article 10 of Law 37/2007, which will be available to users through the electronic office of each administrative body. Nor will it replace the procedure described in article 17 of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.

Below are all those received after January 1, 2021.

Body responsible


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Important: This channel aims to communicate the data requests of re-users to the Administration in order to help advance the open data initiatives launched. In no case will it replace the procedure for processing reuse applications provided for in article 10 of Law 37/2007, which will be available to users through the electronic office of each administrative body.