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  • Una mujer revisa varias pantallas donde se reflejan datos y gráficas The impact of open data on the employment sector 19-03-2024

    Open data provides relevant information on the state and evolution of different sectors, including employment. Employment data typically includes labour force statistics and information on employees, as well as economic, demographic or benefits-related...

  • Imagen de unas manos sosteniendo un teléfono móvil y varias pantallas alrededor con personas How Artificial Intelligence and Open Data can re-imagine our cultural future 19-12-2023

    We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented race to master innovations in Artificial Intelligence. Over the past year, the star of the show has been Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), i.e., that which is capable of generating original and...

  • Cabecera 07-06-2023

    La Oficina del Dato elabora dos guías de ayuda para la concepción eficaz de espacios de datos El concepto de espacio de datos, entendido como un ecosistema de compartición voluntaria de datos en un entorno de confianza, seguridad y soberanía, se va a...

  • image of a computer with a book superimposed on it to represent digital educational resources Open data as a tool for education and training 22-11-2022

    The demand for professionals with skills related to data analytics continues to grow and it is already estimated that just the industry in Spain would need more than 90,000 data and artificial intelligence professionals to boost the economy. Training...

  • Map of Ukraine Collecting and analysing data to improve humanitarian assistance and restore damage during the Ukrainian war 05-10-2022

    On 24 February Europe entered a scenario that not even the data could have predicted: Russia invaded Ukraine, unleashing the first war on European soil so far in the 21st century. Almost five months later, on 26 September, the United Nations (UN)...

  • MarIA This is MarIA, the first artificial intelligence in the Spanish language 22-09-2022

    After several months of tests and different types of training, the first massive Artificial Intelligence system in the Spanish language is capable of generating its own texts and summarising existing ones. MarIA is a project that has been promoted by the...

  • Image representing innovation in transport Open data in transport and urban mobility research projects 20-09-2022

    Open data portals are experiencing a significant growth in the number of datasets being published in the transport and mobility category. For example, the EU's open data portal already has almost 48,000 datasets in the transport category or Spain's own...

  • Woman wearing augmented reality glasses visualising data Augmented reality for data visualisation 28-06-2022

    Digital life has arrived to become part of our daily lives and with it new communication and information consumption habits. Concepts such as augmented reality are actively participating in this process of change in which an increasing number of...

  • data-driven solutions to manage visitor flows: Affluences, CityMapper and Flows. Experiences in managing visitor flows in tourist destinations 06-04-2022

    Today's tourism industry has a major challenge in managing the concentration of people visiting both open and closed spaces. This issue was already very important in 2019, when, according to the World Tourism Organisation, the number of travellers...

  • Header of the infographic APIs for accessing tourism and culture and leisure data as a related sector APIS for accessing and downloading tourism data 31-03-2022

    Spain was the second country in the world that received the most tourists during 2019, with 83.8 million visitors. That year, tourism activity represented 12.4% of GDP, employing more than 2.2 million people (12.7% of the total). It is therefore a...
