RAG - Retrieval Augmented Generation: The key that unlocks the door to precision language models

Fecha de la noticia: 24-01-2024

Stock image showing a keyboard and icons that represent a conversational assistant.

Teaching computers to understand how humans speak and write is a long-standing challenge in the field of artificial intelligence, known as natural language processing (NLP). However, in the last two years or so, we have seen the fall of this old stronghold with the advent of large language models (LLMs) and conversational interfaces. In this post, we will try to explain one of the key techniques that makes it possible for these systems to respond relatively accurately to the questions we ask them. 


In 2020, Patrick Lewis, a young PhD in the field of language modelling who worked at the former Facebook AI Research (now Meta AI Research) publishes a paper with Ethan Perez of New York University entitled: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks in which they explained a technique to make current language models more precise and concrete. The article is complex for the general public, however, in their blog, several of the authors of the article explain in a more accessible way how the RAG technique works. In this post we will try to explain it as simply as possible.

Large Language Models are artificial intelligence models that are trained using Deep Learning algorithms on huge sets of human-generated information. In this way, once trained, they have learned the way we humans use the spoken and written word, so they are able to give us general and very humanly patterned answers to the questions we ask them. However, if we are looking for precise answers in a given context, LLMs alone will not provide specific answers or there is a high probability that they will hallucinate and completely make up the answer. For LLMs to hallucinate means that they generate inaccurate, meaningless or disconnected text. This effect poses potential risks and challenges for organisations using these models outside the domestic or everyday environment of personal LLM use. The prevalence of hallucination in LLMs, estimated at 15% to 20% for ChatGPT, may have profound implications for the reputation of companies and the reliability of AI systems.

What is a RAG?

Precisely, RAG techniques have been developed to improve the quality of responses in specific contexts, for example, in a particular discipline or based on private knowledge repositories such as company databases.

RAG is an extra technique within artificial intelligence frameworks, which aims to retrieve facts from an external knowledge base to ensure that language models return accurate and up-to-date information. A typical RAG system (see image) includes an LLM, a vector database (to conveniently store external data) and a series of commands or queries. In other words, in a simplified form, when we ask a natural language question to an assistant such as ChatGPT, what happens between the question and the answer is something like this:

  1. The user makes the query, also technically known as a prompt.
  1. The RAG enriches the prompt or question with data and facts obtained from an external database containing information relevant to the user's question. This stage is called retrieval
  2. The RAG is responsible for sending the user's prompt enriched or augmented to the LLM which is responsible for generate a natural language response taking advantage of the full power of the human language it has learned with its generic training data, but also with the specific data provided in the retrieval stage.

Graph illustrating the RAG process, explained in the previous text 

Understanding RAG with examples

Let us take a concrete example. Imagine you are trying to answer a question about dinosaurs. A generalist LLM can invent a perfectly plausible answer, so that a non-expert cannot distinguish it from a scientifically based answer. In contrast, using RAG, the LLM would search a database of dinosaur information and retrieve the most relevant facts to generate a complete answer.

The same was true if we searched for a particular piece of information in a private database. For example, think of a human resources manager in a company. It wants to retrieve summarised and aggregated information about one or more employees whose records are in different company databases. Consider that we may be trying to obtain information from salary scales, satisfaction surveys, employment records, etc. An LLM is very useful to generate a response with a human pattern. However, it is impossible for it to provide consistent and accurate data as it has never been trained with such information due to its private nature. In this case, RAG assists the LLM in providing specific data and context to return the appropriate response.

Similarly, an LLM complemented by RAG on medical records could be a great assistant in the clinical setting. Financial analysts would also benefit from an assistant linked to up-to-date stock market data. Virtually any use case benefits from RAG techniques to enrich LLM capabilities with context-specific data.

Additional resources to better understand RAG

As you can imagine, as soon as we look for a moment at the more technical side of understanding LLMs or RAGs, things get very complicated. In this post we have tried to explain in simple words and everyday examples how the RAG technique works to get more accurate and contextualised answers to the questions we ask to a conversational assistant such as ChatGPT, Bard or any other. However, for those of you who have the desire and strength to delve deeper into the subject, here are a number of web resources available to try to understand a little more about how LLMs combine with RAG and other techniques such as prompt engineering to deliver the best possible generative AI apps.

Introductory videos:

LLMs and RAG content articles for beginners

Do you want to go to the next level? Some tools to try out:

  • LangChain. LangChain is a development framework that facilitates the construction of applications using LLMs, such as GPT-3 and GPT-4. LangChain is for software developers and allows you to integrate and manage multiple LLMs, creating applications such as chatbots and virtual agents. Its main advantage is to simplify the interaction and orchestration of LLMs for a wide range of applications, from text analysis to virtual assistance.
  • Hugging Face. Hugging Face is a platform with more than 350,000 models, 75,000 datasets and 150,000 demo applications, all open source and publicly available online where people can easily collaborate and build artificial intelligence models.
  • OpenAI. OpenAI is the best known platform for LLM models and conversational interfaces. The creators of ChatGTP provide the developer community with a set of libraries to use the OpenAI API to create their own applications using the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models. As an example, we suggest you visit the Python library documentation to understand how, with very few lines of code, we can be using an LLM in our own application. Although OpenAI conversational interfaces, such as ChatGPT, use their own RAG system, we can also combine GPT models with our own RAG, for example, as proposed in this article.


Content elaborated by Alejandro Alija, expert in Digital Transformation and Innovation.

The contents and views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author.