Accessibility is a public business entity of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service that reports to the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence and has undertaken to make its website accessible, in accordance with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on the accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.
This accessibility statement applies to the website.
This website is partially compliant with Spanish Royal Decree (RD) 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the items listed in the following point.
The content below is not accessible as follows:
- Non-compliance with RD 1112/2018
There may be images that do not have a "Name" tag in HTML.
[1.1.1 Non-textual content].
There may be videos and audios that do not have audio alternative or equivalent respectively [1.2.1 Audio only and video only (recorded)]. Some pre-recorded audios may not have subtitles [1.2.2 Subtitles (recorded)]. There may be videos that do not have audio alternative [1.2.3 Audio description or alternative media] or audio description [1.2.5 Audio description].
There may be samples that show loss of information when zoomed in to 400% [1.4.10 Reflow (Text Reflow)].
There may be some contrast issues that do not meet the required minimum 3:1 ratio to adjacent colours in the background of the section of the website. [1.4.11 Contrast in non-textual elements].
There may be PDF documents where it is not possible to jump between blocks of content without having to go through all the content of one block to get to another [2.4.1 Avoiding blocks].
There could be samples that do not show an order when navigating through the sample using the tab key and arrows [2.4.3 Focus order].
There could be PDF documents that do not provide multiple means of locating related pages [2.4.5 Multiple paths].
There may be occasional code editing errors in some web pages [4.1.1 Processing].
There may be samples that do not have all the tags, function and value necessary to be understood by supportive hardware or software [4.1.2 Name, function, value].
There may be office documents in PDF and other formats published after 20 September 2018 that do not fully meet the accessibility requirements. Please note that fully accessible documents can be requested via the contact form for complaints and queries.
- Disproportionate burden
Not applicable.
- The content does not fall under the scope of the applicable legislation.
There may be office files in PDF or other formats published before 20 September 2018 that do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements. However, efforts have been made to ensure that most of them do.
This statement was drafted on 6 June 2020.
This statement has been drafted using a self-assessment carried out by the organisation itself.
The Accessibility Statement has been reviewed and updated in October 2022.
You may communicate on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018), for example:
- Report any possible non-compliance by this website
- Relay additional difficulties in accessing the content
- Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement relating to website accessibility
By using the contact form on this website or by calling the telephone number (+34) 91 212 76 20.
You can submit:
- Complaints concerning compliance with RD 1112/2018 requirements or
- Requests for Accessible Information relating to:
- Content that is excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by Article 3(4).
- Content that is exempt from compliance with the accessibility requirements because it imposes a disproportionate burden.
The Request for accessible information must clearly specify the facts, reasons and request that make it possible to establish that it is a reasonable and legitimate request.
Complaints and claims regarding accessible information shall be made through the e-Office (, and shall be received and dealt with by the Information Systems area of
If a request for accessible information or complaint has been rejected, or if the person concerned does not agree with the decision taken, or if the reply does not meet the requirements set out in Article 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a claim. A claim may also be initiated in the event that the period of twenty working days has elapsed without having received a reply.
The claim may be submitted through the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service e-Office, as well as in the rest of options included in Law 39/ 2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations. Claims will be received and processed by the Deputy Directorate General for the Inspection of Services of the Ministry.
This website is intended to be able to change the text size and colour, as well as the background of the page using the browsers' standard configuration options.
If you wish to change the font size of the text in the main browsers, use the following menus:
- Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox: View > Text size
- Opera: View > Zoom
- Safari: View > Make text bigger
- Chrome: Manage the current page > Text size
- To change the size of everything on the page:
- Ctrl + + to increase it
- Ctrl + - to decrease it
- Ctrl + 0 restores the original size of the text
- If you want to override the stylesheet or change the colour of the text, you can consult the WAI's "How to Change Text Size or Colors" page.