
This dashboard aims to offer an overview of activity on datos.gob.es. The graphics are interactive: they enable the zoom to be adjusted by selecting the portion of the axis you want to display, fragments to be selected or notes to be made directly on the graphic. They can be downloaded, including any comments, in the following formats: PNG, JPG, SVG and PDF, or the component data can be saved in CSV, XLSX and JSON formats.

General statistics

Visits to datos.gob.es
Evolution over time of global visit data (sessions) to the datos.gob.es portal by month.

Initiatives, applications and cases of reuse published
Evolution over time of the number of content published at the end of the month (accumulated) in the Initiatives map, Applications and Cases of reuse sections.

Data catalogue

Published data sets
Evolution over time with data from data sets published at the end of the month in the catalogue (accumulated).

Data sets by administration level
Date of updating data: 07-25-2024
Percentage of data sets published by administration level.

Data sets by category
Date of updating data: 07-25-2024
Number of data sets published by each category. A single data set may belong to various categories.

Most visited data sets
Table with the 10 most visited sets from 1/12/2016 (accumulated total), with the option of filtering by month to see the 10 most visited sets in a specific month. The content of this table can be downloaded in CSV format.

Download as CSV

Percentage of distributions by format
Date of updating data: 07-25-2024
Percentage of distributions of data sets by format (data sets contain different distributions).

Percentage of distributions by format by administration level
Date of updating data: 07-25-2024
Percentage of distributions of data sets by format for a certain administration level.