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data science

  • Photo of stock Open science and information systems for research 22-11-2023

    The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a European Union initiative that aims to promote open science through the creation of an open, collaborative and sustainabledigital research infrastructure. EOSC's main objective is to provide European...

  • medicina The relevance of open data for medical research: The Case of FISABIO Foundation 29-05-2023

    In the digital age, technological advancements have transformed the field of medical research. One of the factors contributing to technological development in this area is data, particularly open data. The openness and availability of information...

  • Kaggle y otras plataformas alternativas para aprender ciencia de datos Kaggle and other alternative platforms for learning data science 16-09-2021

    The profession of the data scientist is booming. According to him 2020 LinkedIn Emerging Jobs Report, the demand for data science specialists grew 46.8% compared to the previous year, being especially demanded in sectors such as banking,...

  • IA Data Science, machine learning and deep learning 05-04-2018

    Data science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to extract actuable knowledge from datasets, structured in databases or unstructured as texts, audios or videos. Thanks to the application of new techniques, data science is allowing for answering...