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  • A man and a woman on a scale The gender gap: inequality is also in the data 08-03-2022

    Today, 8 March is the day on which we commemorate women's struggle to achieve their full participation in society, as well as giving visibility to the current gender inequality and demanding global action for effective equality of rights in all areas...

  • Datos y desigualdad Open data: the great allies to eradicate inequality 16-11-2020

    Is it possible to find in the data the necessary help to solve the real problems that our society faces? While it is true that data alone cannot be transformed into food for the most disadvantaged, nor can it make weapons disappear in conflict zones or...

  • exclusión social Open data as a tool to reduce inequalities 23-08-2018

    The public sector is not only a great provider of open data, but also one of its main users. Open data facilitates contact and direct communication between governments and citizens. This can drive more efficient and effective public policies. Among...