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  • Windmills and icons symbolizing data Open data to drive energy efficiency and sustainability 24-05-2024

    The promotion of energy efficiency and sustainability is one of the priorities of the European Union and Spain, as reflected in the European Green Pact. The availability of open data related to energy production, distribution and consumption allows...

  • Lake in the shape of a footprint in the forest How to measure carbon footprint using open data 14-05-2024

    The carbon footprint is a key indicator for understanding the environmental impact of our actions. It measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities, most notably the burning of fossil fuels...

  • Semiconductors on a bed of sand The importance of Critical Minerals: Where to locate data of interest? 07-02-2024

    The energy transition is also a transition of raw materials. When we imagine a sustainable future, we conceive it based on a series of strategic sectors such as renewable energies or electric mobility. Similarly, we imagine a connected and digital future...

  • Foto European Webinars: Monitoring Climate Change and Digital Development with Open Data 18-08-2023

    The "Stories of Use Cases" series, organized by the European Open Data portal (data.europe.eu), is a collection of online events focused on the use of open data to contribute to common European Union objectives such as consolidating democracy, boosting...