buenas prácticas
Good Practices for Measuring the Impact of Open Data in Europe
The Open Data Maturity Study 2022 provides a snapshot of the level of development of policies promoting open data in countries, as well as an assessment of the expected impact of these policies. Among its findings, it highlights that measuring the impact...
Practical guide for improving the quality of open data
When publishing open data, it is essential to ensure its quality. If data is well documented and of the required quality, it will be easier to reuse, as there will be less additional work for cleaning and processing. In addition, poor data quality can be...
Features for the creation of data spaces
A data space is an ecosystem where, on a voluntary basis, the data of its participants (public sector, large and small technology or business companies, individuals, research organizations, etc.) are pooled. Thus, under a context of sovereignty, trust...
Principles and recommendations to make data.europa.eu data more reusable
This report published by the European Data Portal (EDP) aims to advance the debate on the medium and long-term sustainability of open data portal infrastructures. It provides recommendations to open data publishers and data publishers on how to...
Training materials on open data by Iniciativa Aporta
In the Action Plan of the International Open Data Conference, capacity development has become a priority within the international open data movement. After all, the need for training tools is essential for leaders responsible for PSI policies, data...
Share-PSI 2.0: Las mejores prácticas para compartir información del sector público
Iniciativa Aporta – Datos.gob.es ha actualizado y enriquecido las 56 mejores prácticas para compartir información del sector público que fueron recopiladas por la red temática Share-PSI 2.0. El repositorio de Share-PSI 2.0. concebido para servir de...
En esta unidad se recorren y analizan distintas iniciativas open data que tienen como objetivo conseguir la armonización, construir un marco común que permita combinar datos de distintas fuentes. Se describen los principales índices internacionales que...
Report on International open data best practices
Based on the analysis of the results in the third edition of the Open Data Barometer, the Iniciativa Aporta publishes the report on “International open data best practices” which reviews in detail the best practices in the most outstanding countries and...
Documentos de ayuda para un organismo RISP
Desde que se traspuso la Directiva 2003/98/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 17 de noviembre de 2003, relativa a la reutilización de la información del sector público en la Ley 37/2007, de 16 de noviembre, sobre reutilización de la...