Guidance and guarantees in the process of personal data anonymisation

Fecha del documento: 11-10-2016


The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has launched a guide to promote the re-use of public sector information whereas the privacy of citizens is guaranteed. In order to provide some guidelines that help the implementation of these techniques, the AEPD has also published the document entitled “Guidelines and guarantees in the process of personal data anonymisation” which explains in detail how to hide, mask or dissociate personal data in order to eliminate or minimize the risks of re-identification of anonymised data, enabling the release and guaranteeing the rights to data protection of individuals or organizations that do not wish to be identified, or have established the anonymity as a condition to transfer their data for publication. In other words, a formula to juggle the promotion of the re-use with the regulatory rules on data protection, which ensures that the effort in re-identification of individuals carries a cost high enough to not be addressed "in terms of relative effort -benefit".

The document shows both the principles to be considered in a process of anonymization in the design stages of the information system (principle of privacy by default, objective privacy, of full functionality, etc.), as the phases of the performance protocol in the process of anonymisation, including the following:

  • Defining the team detailing the functions of each profile, and ensuring, as far as possible, that each member performs the tasks independently of the rest. Thus, it prevents that an error in a level is reviewed and approved at a different level by the same agent.
  • Risk analysis to manage risks arising from the principle that any anonymisation technique can guarantee absolutely the impossibility of re-identification.
  • Defining goals and objectives of the anonymised information.
  • Preanonymisation, elimination/reduction of variables and cryptographic anonymisation through techniques such as hashing algorithms, encryption algorithms, time stamp, and anonymisation layers, etc.
  • Creating a map of information systems to ensure segregated environments for each processing of personal data involving the separation of personnel accessing such information.

Finally, the document highlights the importance of training and informing the personnel involved in the processes of anonymization who work with anonymised data, focussing on the need of establishing guarantees to protect the rights of stakeholders (confidentiality agreements, audits of the use of anonymised information by the recipient ...) and establishes as a fundamental conducting regular audits of anonymization policies, which must be documented.



The AEPD offers these guidelines even knowing that the same technological capabilities that are used to anonymise personal data can be used for re-identification of people. That is the reason to emphasize the importance of considering the risk as a latent contingency and sustain the strength of the anonymisation in impact assessment measures, organizational, technological, etc. .; all in order to combine the provision of public data and ensure the protection of personal data in the re-use of information with social, scientific and economic purposes.


    • Guidance and guarantees in the process of personal data anonymisation
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