Castilla y León announces a new edition of the Open Data Competition

Cartel Concurso de datos abiertos de Castilla y León
July 13 2021

The Regional Ministry of Transparency, Territorial Planning and External Action of the Regional Government of Castilla y León has announced this year the fifth edition of the open data competition. The aim of this competition is to recognise the creation of projects for mobile devices that provide ideas, studies, services or applications using the datasets offered by the Junta on its portal.

4 Categories are available

In addition to the traditional categories of "Ideas", "Products and Services" and "Educational Resources", last year "Data Journalism" was added as a novelty. In this fifth edition, these four categories will continue:

  • Ideas: this category rewards projects that describe an idea designed to create studies, services, websites or applications for mobile devices.
  • Products and Services: this category includes projects that provide studies, services, websites or applications for mobile devices. This category reserves an award for students.
  • Teaching Resources: this award is aimed at the creation of new and innovative open teaching resources (published under Creative Commons licences is mandatory) that support classroom teaching.
  • Data Journalism: this category, which was new last year, repeats again this year to reward relevant journalistic pieces published or updated in any medium, whether written or audio-visual.

These are the prizes in each category

In each category, a general first and second prize will be awarded, and in the case of "Products and services", one prize will be awarded to students enrolled in official university or non-university education. In the case of minors, a teacher from the school to which they belong will be responsible for the project submitted as a candidature.

The total amount of this fifth edition will be €12,000 and will be distributed as follows:

  1. Ideas Category
  • First prize: 1.500€.
  • Second prize: 500€.
  1. Products and Services Category
  • First prize: 2.500€.
  • Second prize: 1.500€.
  • Third prize: 500€.
  • Student prize: 1.500€.
  1. Educational Resource Category
  • First prize: 1.500€.
  1. Data Journalism Category
  • First prize: 1.500€.
  • Second prize: 1.000€.

How to participate

The deadline for submitting your proposal is now open. The deadline for submitting applications is 13 July.

Applications can be submitted in two ways: in person or electronically.

You can consult the legal bases of this competition through this link.