New funding call: 2.5 million to innovate with Earth Observation data

December 20 2019

Earth Observation data have great potential to create new innovative products and services, an issue that the European Union wants to promote. Therefore, within the Horizon 2020 program, the Parsec accelerator has been launched. Parsec will allocate 2.5 million euros to transform ideas into solutions that take advantage of the potential of this type of data.

The project is developed in connection with the Copernicus program and in collaboration with the European Space Agency and 9 entities from 7 countries, such as Avaesen (Valencian Association of Energy Sector Companies).

The project began in May and will last for 30 months. SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and researchers from member countries of the European Union and associated countries can participate. They only need one idea related to some of the following areas:

Food: smart agriculture, food security, distribution, etc.

Energy: renewable energy, Smart Cities, infrastructure monitoring, gas, oil, etc.

• Environment: water and air quality, climate change, forestry, marine resources, etc.

Those interested in participating must submit their idea before December 20, 2019 through the following form. To do this, they must prepare a video of no more than 3 minutes in which they talk about their skills and their vision of innovation.

From then on the project will be developed in two phases:

  • Phase 1: After a period of self-evaluation (the applicants themselves are those who evaluate the other applicants through a peer-to-peer application) 100 projects will be chosen, which will receive 10,000 euros each. In addition, the finalists can benefit from a support program that includes personalized training with European experts, coaching, networking with potential clients and partners, and tools to boost the business.
  • Phase 2: In the second phase, 15 projects will be selected, which will receive 100,000 euros of funding each. In addition, those selected will have access to tools for testing developed products and the possibility of contacting specialized investors.

These phases will be developed according to the following calendar:

In addition to supporting SMEs and startups that use satellite data for business innovation, this project also seeks to create a community that remain once the call is finished, and that helps promote the international competitiveness of European remote sensing companies through the collaboration between groups. Therefore, many of the tools created will remain active once it is finished.

If you wish to participate, you can find the complete information in the Guide for applicants.