Now you can register for the 10th International Conference on Public Information Reuse

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October 23 2018

For the tenth consecutive year, Asedie organizes a new edition of the "International Conference on the Reuse of Public Sector Information". The appointment will take place on October 23 at the headquarters of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in Madrid.

As the previous years, the main objective is to serve as a platform to share knowledge and experiences, coming together all those involved in the Information and Data Community, as well as to promote public-private collaboration for public interest.

Under the motto, "Information, an essential resource for economic development", experts will address the importance of Infomediary sector and the evolution of information access and reuse.


The event will begin at 9:45, with a few words from the Asedie President, D. Dionisio Torre. Then, Mr. Carlos Romero, Counsellor of Industry, Telecommunications and Audiovisual, Mr. Jesús Rubí, Deputy to the Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, and Barbara Ulbaldi, Head of OECD Digital Government and Open Data Policies Team, will share their  vision on the challenges and opportunities of the infomediary sector, paying special attention to sector regulations.

After the coffee break, a round table entitled "The implementation of Reuse and its evolution in the last 10 years" will take place. Mrs. Cristina Morales, General Deputy Director of Information Society Content from the Ministry of Economy and Business, Jorge Salazar, Coordinator of the Commercial Registry from the Registrar College, Mr. Pedro Vivas, Head of the IDE / SIG Support Area of the Ministry of Development, and Mr. Enrique Crespo, Chief of the Information Access Service of the city of Madrid.

The event will conclude with the presentation of the Asedie Award. Since 5 years, Asedie present this award with the aim of highlighting the work of those people, companies or institutions that have done the best work or the greatest contribution to innovation and development of the Infomediary Sector.


Admission is free, but places are limited. Therefore, those interested in attending the conference must register before October 18 through this online form.