What are the next events about open data that you should not miss?

Eventos septiembre 2019
September 14 2019

The new school year has already begun. While students are gradually returning to schools, companies and organizations are also recovering their activity. The last quarter of the year is chosen by a large number of organizations to launch events that help us to better understand the universe of open data, bringing us success stories and giving us the opportunity to discuss the future challenges.

In datos.gob.es we have compiled some of these events:

  • On September 14, the Tech.Party 2019 is held at the Nave de Madrid. This event brings together more than 30 technological communities with the objective of “sharing knowledge and stimulating critical thinking”. Conferences and workshops will address issues such as blockchain technology, data analysis, artificial intelligence, hacktivism or technological recycling.
  • Meanwhile, the IV International Congress of Transparency will take place in Malaga from September 30 to October 2. The event will be structured in plenary sessions and seminars. Each seminar will act as a working group where different subjects will be discussed, including active advertising, open data and citizen participation.
  • Cáceres will host, from October 23 to 25, the X Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures (JIIDE 2019). Under the slogan "Local IDEs, bringing digital information to citizens", technical sessions, workshops and round tables will be held to share and publicize the Inspire Directive and the various activities carried out by local IDEs. Open data and e-administration will also be discussed.
  • Two of the big conferences that every year close the autumn events season will also take place in the Catalan capital. We are talking about the IoT Solution world Congress and the Smart City Expo 2019. The first one will take place in October 29-31 and it will address blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, e-health and other issues where open data can have a great role. For its part, the Smart City Expo 2019 will be held from November 19 to 21. It will be a mandatory meeting for those interested in cities based on data, 5G and the future of connectivity.

All these events highlight the interest in data and open data in the business and social ecosystem. An interest that continues to grow year by year, with new editions of events already held and the incorporation of new appointments to the agenda, so that all those interested in the subject can continue learning.