10 public data repositories related to tourism
Fecha de la noticia: 17-05-2022
In recent times, open data has become an element of great value when it comes to improving the quality of life and offering greater benefits to citizens in different sectors. One of them is tourism, and it is that the number of public administrations that are opening their data in this field is increasing.
One of the main reasons is found in the great economic benefit that this sector brings to a country like Spain, which welcomes millions of tourists every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that municipalities and administrations show increasing interest in disseminating the services they offer in order to attract as many visitors as possible.
The data related to the tourism sector is highly dynamic and for this reason there are many organizations that are committed to offering it through APIs, which facilitate access in a much more efficient way.
The opening of data in the tourism sector it is a practice that encourages the creation of services and technologies capable of offering solutions to current problems from the reuse of open data. This is the case of some applications such as Casual Learn, which uses information from the Open Data Portal of Castilla y León for its users to learn art history while touring the community's monuments. Or also from Maps of Spain, a free viewer IGN aimed at citizens who want to carry out activities in nature, which they can access from their mobile phone without the need to connect to the internet.
If you are interested in accessing this type of data, then we have collected 10 examples of repositories related to tourism at an international level, divided into three categories: tourism, leisure and culture, and meteorology.
DATA Tourisme
- Publisher: Government of Singapore
The Tourism Information and Service Center (TIH) is a digital resource platform that enables businesses and developers to access relevant information on Singapore's tourism offerings and travel software services.
Undoubtedly, the highlight of this portal is that it has an API to facilitate access to its data offer. Data APIs allow developers to access datasets related to Singapore tourism through an API key.
Accommodation, attractions, excursions, shopping centers and stores or number of visitors are just some examples of the type of data that can be found on this portal.
Tourism Information & Service Hub (TIH)
- Publicador: Gobierno de Singapur
El Centro de información y servicios turísticos (TIH) es una plataforma de recursos digitales que permite a empresas y desarrolladores acceder a información relevante sobre las ofertas turísticas y los servicios de software de viajes de Singapur.
Sin duda, lo más destacado de este portal es que cuenta con una API para facilitar el acceso a su oferta de datos. Las API de datos permiten a los desarrolladores acceder a conjuntos de datos relacionados con el turismo de Singapur a través de una clave API.
Alojamiento, atracciones, excursiones, centros comerciales y tiendas o número de visitantes son solo algunos ejemplos del tipo de datos que se pueden encontrar en este portal.
My Switzerland
- Publisher: Government of Switzerland
This platform offers data sets related to tourism in Switzerland that are provided through an API. It is a public API that presents tourist information translated into 16 languages and its main source of content is the portal from My Switzerland.
Currently this API provides data about tourist destinations, attractions and offers of interest, although this list will be expanded in the near future with more types of data depending on the needs of partners and reusers.
Places API
- Publisher: Google
This API developed by Google allows you to search for information on more than 200 million places through a wide variety of categories, including establishments, prominent points of interest or geographical locations.
Through this API, developers can access a wide variety of Google data to provide their users with a real-time location-based experience by displaying place names and information rather than a set of coordinates.
Leisure and culture
UK Natural History Museum
- Publisher: UK Natural History Museum
Through this portal it is possible to consult and download data about the museum's research and collections. It currently has an approximate number of 200 data sets on various topics such as entomology, zoology, botany, or paleontology, among others.
All datasets are available through a API to facilitate downloading for users who wish to use the data in their own software or applications.
European Group on Museum Statistics (EGMUS)
- Publisher: European Groupon Museum Statistics (EGMUS)
The European Group for Museum Statistics (EGMUS) is an organization founded in 2002 in which 30 European countries are represented. The main objective of EGMUS is the collection and publication of statistical data relating to the participating European museums.
Information available from national museum statistics and surveys is collected, updated and stored in the Abridged List of Museum Key Indicators (ALOKMI) table. ALOKMI is the first step towards the harmonization of museum statistics in Europe.
The data tables offered by EGMUS are available for download in CSV format.
- Publisher: Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais
Images d'Art (Art Images) is a platform that offers an extensive database of hundreds of thousands of works by approximately 30,000 artists. This image database contains works from French museums that have been digitized and documented by the photography agency NMR-GP.
In this portal we can filter the information around some parameters such as museums, historical periods, authors, technique, keywords or advanced search.
- Publisher: Europeana
Europeana is a portal that provides cultural heritage enthusiasts, practitioners, teachers and researchers with digital access to European cultural heritage material. This platform has information on more than 3,700 different institutions. A network of aggregator partners collects the data, thoroughly checks it, and enriches it with information such as geographic location or links it to other materials or data sets through associated people, places, or topics.
Europeana offers data on works of art, books, music and videos, newspapers, archaeology, fashion, science or sports, among many others. To facilitate access to this information, this portal has different APIs.
World Digital Library
- Publisher: World Digital Library (WDL)
The World Digital Library was a project created in 2009 by the United States Library of Congress, with the support of UNESCO and contributions from libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations around the world.
The WDL contains extremely interesting materials that are essential for understanding cultures around the world. The data it offers is available free of charge and in a wide variety of languages. In addition, it offers a menu that allows you to filter the data by format, date, location, theme or language, among others.
Open Meteo
- Publisher: Open Meteo
Open-Meteo offers a weather data API for free global weather forecasting. This API is especially aimed at open source developers and non-commercial use, to access it no password is required and its information is updated every 3 hours.
Data related to temperature, wind, pressure, humidity or precipitation are just some of the meteorological variables that users have available through this API.
This has been just a small selection of data repositories related to the tourism sector that could be of interest to you. Do you know any more relevant related to this field? Leave us a comment or send us an email at dinamizacion@datos.gob.es