Publish What Your Fund

Fecha del post: 21-12-2017


In the area of development cooperation, increasing the impact and effectiveness of aid for the reduction of poverty is an issue that is always on the table. In 2011, at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (Busan, South Korea), the most prominent international donors in development cooperation committed to publish information regarding the donations they make.

In this context, "Publish What You Fund" (PWYF) publishes a global campaign to promote and ensure the publication of data on donations made by donors. The open publication of this data entails issues related to governance, the effectiveness of aid and access to information.

This campaign is organized as a coalition of civil society organizations, which, in order to achieve its objectives, carries out annual transparency reports related to the development aid of the main donor agencies and countries, as well as activities in the region to promote transparency of the aid, within the international discussions on the effectiveness of the initiative and the freedom of information. The PWYF urges donors to disclose their information regularly, and in a standardized format so it is comparable to other countries and processable by machines. That is why they promote the use of the IATI standard: a common and open standard for the publication of data on development aid.

Thanks to data published by donors, and after its analysis, the PWYF organization produces the Aid Transparency Index (ATI), which measures the level of compliance with international agreements on the publication of data by the international cooperation donors. This index is considered the international reference tool (98% of official development aid is represented) and is fundamental for the promotion of transparency among the various stakeholders of development cooperation.

In the index, donors are segmented in five groups, from best to worst ("Very good / Very Good", "Good / Good", "Fair / Fair", "Bad / Poor", "Very bad / Very Poor "). Spain (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, AECID), is currently in the middle group, consolidating the effort made to meet the requirements of international transparency initiatives (IATI) and the implementation and development of the Law on Transparency.

In 2013, Spain was part of the group of countries that needed to improve substantially. In subsequent years, an important advance was made in the index, derived from the effort to improve the transparency of its actions vis-à-vis the rest of the international cooperation actors, the beneficiary populations and the Spanish citizens. We hope that this advance will continue and that soon Spain will be in the top positions.