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bases de datos

  • FOTO Invisibilisation and algorithmic discrimination 06-10-2023

    Digital technology and algorithms have revolutionised the way we live, work and communicate. While promising efficiency, accuracy and convenience, these technologies can exacerbate prejudice and social inequalities exacerbate prejudice and social...

  • Casos de éxito de intercambio de datos entre organizaciones Success stories of data exchange between organizations 30-03-2021

    The "Support center for data exchange”(Support Center for Data Sharing or SCDS in English) was born in 2019 as part of the European strategy to promote a common data ecosystem. It is a space to investigate and report on the practices of so-called data...

  • habilidades digitales en europa Digital skills in Europe: the use of ontologies to improve the search for candidates 31-07-2018

    The increasing concern of European authorities for the management of digital skills among the working population, especially young people, is a growing reality whose management does not seem to have an easy solution.  “The internet and digital...