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calidad del dato

  • foto UNE 0081 Specification - Data Quality Assessment Guide 27-09-2023

    Today, data quality plays a key role in today's world, where information is a valuable asset. Ensuring that data is accurate, complete and reliable has become essential to the success of organisations, and guarantees the success of informed decision...

  • FAIR FAIR principles: the secret of the data wizards. 20-04-2023

    Books are an inexhaustible source of knowledge and experiences lived by others before us, which we can reuse to move forward in our lives. Libraries, therefore, are places where readers looking for books, borrow them, and once they have used them and...

  • icons representing data quality Free tools to work on data quality issues 11-10-2022

    Ensuring data quality is an essential task for any open data initiative. Before publication, datasets need to be validated to check that they are free of errors, duplication, etc. In this way, their potential for re-use will grow. Data quality is...

  • Etapas del ciclo de implementación de gestión de calidad de los datos Technical Standards to achieve Data Quality 24-05-2022

    Transforming data into knowledge has become one of the main objectives facing both public and private organizations today. But, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to start from the premise that the data processed is governed and of quality. In...