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datos enlazados

  • Logo Cross-Forest Cross-Forest, a project for harmonisation and promotion of open forest data 22-07-2021

    The Cross-Forest project combines two areas of great interest to Europe, as set out in the Green Deal. On the one hand, the care and protection of the environment - in particular our forests-. On the other hand, the promotion of an interoperable European...

  • biblioteca digital The National Library of Spain launches a new version of its open data portal 02-08-2018

    The Spanish National Library (BNE) continues promoting the dissemination and reuse of its documentary collections. In addition to contributing to the preservation of Spanish cultural heritage, through the digitization and digital preservation of its...

  •  Pubby y LODI Pubby and LODI, opening linked data to humans 31-01-2018

    An important part of the data which is published on the Semantic Web, where resources are identified by URIs, is stored within triple store databases. This data can only be accessed through SPARQL queries via a SPARQL endpoint. Moreover, the URIs used...

  • Datos abiertos y el derecho a la tierra The land governance and the open movement: the Land Portal Foundation 24-01-2018

    High diplomacy traditionally plays a role in helping cultures and nations to dialogue with each other. But when it comes to strengthening the right to land, it is the local communities themselves that have to get involved. This is the vision of the...

  • tendencias datos, big data, The future of the open data and its multiple faces 16-11-2017

    If we analyze it with perspective, the concept of open data is not so revolutionary or novel in itself. On one hand, the philosophy of openness and/ or re-use on which open data are based had long been established between us before its formal definition...

  • AGROVOC, datos enlazados, open data AGROVOC: Thesaurus for the classification of agricultural knowledge 13-09-2017

    One of the major concerns of international organisations is the dispersion in the categorisation and indexation of the knowledge created in each of the component parts (such as agencies, units, departments, venues or programmes). This is because, for...

  • Linked Universities, datos enlazados, linked data, universidades Alianza de las universidades europeas a favor de los datos enlazados 14-08-2014

    El Consorcio W3C define los datos enlazados (linked data) como la forma de vincular los distintos datos distribuidos en Internet del mismo modo que se interconectan los enlaces de las páginas web. De esta manera, se permite a los usuarios y máquinas...