The benefits of sharing sport-related data

Fecha de la noticia: 17-04-2024

Legs of a running person with data and graphs in the foreground

In the digital age, data has become an invaluable tool in almost all areas of society, and the world of sport is no exception. The availability of data related to this field can have a positive impact on the promotion of health and wellbeing, as well as on the improvement of physical performance of both athletes and citizens in general. Moreover, its benefits are also evident in the economic sphere, as this data can be used to publicise the sports offer or to generate new services, among other things.

Here are three examples of their impact.

Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle

The availability of public information can inspire citizens to participate in physical activity and sport, both by providing examples of its health benefits and by facilitating access to opportunities that suit their individual preferences and needs.

An example of the possibilities of open data in this field can be found in the project OpenActive. It is an initiative launched in 2016 by the Open Data Institute (ODI) together with Sport England, a public body aimed at encouraging physical activity for everyone in England. OpenActive allows sport providers to publish standardised open data, based on a standard developed by the ODI to ensure quality, interoperability and reliability. These data have enabled the development of tools to facilitate the search for and booking of activities, thus helping to combat citizens' physical inactivity. According to an external impact assessment, this project could have helped prevent up to 110 premature deaths, saved up to £3 million in healthcare costs and generated up to £20 million in productivity gains per year. In addition, it has had a major economic impact for the operators participating that share their data by increasing their customers and thus their profits.

Optimisation of physical work

The data provides teams, coaches and athletes with access to a wealth of information about competitions and their performance, allowing them to conduct detailed analysis and find ways to improve. This includes data on game statistics, health, etc.

In this respect, the French National Agency for Sport, together with the National Institute for Sport, Experience and Performance (INSEP) and the General Directorate for Sport, have developed the Sport Data Hub - FFS. The project was born in 2020 with the idea of boosting the individual and collective performance of French sport in the run-up to the Olympic Games in Pays 2024. It consists of the creation of a collaborative tool for all those involved in the sports movement (federations, athletes, coaches, technical teams, institutions and researchers) to share data that allows for aggregate comparative analysis at national and international level.

Research to understand the impact of data in areas such as health and the economy

Data related to physical activity can also be used in scientific research to analyse the effects of exercise on health and help prevent injury or disease. They can also help us to understand the economic impact of sporting activities.

As an example, in 2021 the European Commission launched the report Mapping of sport statistics and data in the EUwith data on the economic and social impact of sport, both at EU and member state level, between 2012 and 2021. The study identifies available data sources and collects quantitative and qualitative data. These data are used to compile a series of indicators of the impact of sport on the economy and society, including an entire section focusing on health.

This type of study can be used by public bodies to develop policies to promote these activities and to provide citizens with sport-related services and resources adapted to their specific needs. A measure that could help to prevent diseases and thus save on health costs.

Where to find open data related to sport?

In order to carry out these projects, reliable data sources are needed. At you can find various datasets on this topic. Most of them have been published by local administrations and refer to sports facilities and equipment, as well as events of this nature.

Within the National Catalogue, DEPORTEData stands out. It is a database of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport for the storage and dissemination of statistical results in the field of sport. Through their website they offer magnitudes structured in two large blocks:

  •  Cross-sectional estimates on employment and enterprises, expenditure by households and public administration, education, foreign trade and tourism, all linked to sport.
  •  Sector-specific information, including indicators on federated sport, coach training, doping control, sporting habits, facilities and venues, as well as university and school championships.

At the European level, we can visit the European Open Data Portal (, with more than 40,000 datasets on sport, or Eurostat. And if we want to take a closer look at citizens' behaviour, we can go to the Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity, whose data can also be found on Similarly, at the global level, the World Health Organisation provides datasets on the effects of physical inactivity.

In conclusion, there is a need to promote the openness of quality, up-to-date and reliable data on sport. Information with a great impact not only for society, but also for the economy, and can help us improve the way we participate, compete and enjoy sport.