Discover IATE: the European Union's inter-institutional terminology bas

Fecha de la noticia: 14-11-2023

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IATE, which stands for Interactive Terminology for Europe, is a dynamic database designed to support the multilingual drafting of European Union texts. It aims to provide relevant, reliable and easily accessible data with a distinctive added value compared to other sources of lexical information such as electronic archives, translation memories or the Internet.  

This tool is of interest to EU institutions that have been using it since 2004 and to anyone, such as language professionals or academics, public administrations, companies or the general public. This project, launched in 1999 by the Translation Center, is available to any organization or individual who needs to draft, translate or interpret a text on the EU.   

Origin and usability of the platform  

IATE was created in 2004 by merging different EU terminology databases.The original Eurodicautom, TIS, Euterpe, Euroterms and CDCTERM databases were imported into IATE. This process resulted in a large number of duplicate entries, with the consequence that many concepts are covered by several entries instead of just one. To solve this problem, a cleaning working group was formed and since 2015 has been responsible for organizing analyses and data cleaning initiatives to consolidate duplicate entries into a single entry. This explains why statistics on the number of entries and terms show a downward trend, as more content is deleted and updated than is created.  

In addition to being able to perform queries, there is the possibility to download your datasets together with the IATExtract extraction tool that allows you to generate filtered exports. 

This inter-institutional terminology base was initially designed to manage and standardize the terminology of EU agencies. Subsequently, however, it also began to be used as a support tool in the multilingual drafting of EU texts, and has now become a complex and dynamic terminology management system. Although its main purpose is to facilitate the work of translators working for the EU, it is also of great use to the general public.

IATE has been available to the public since 2007 and brings together the terminology resources of all EU translation services. The Translation Center manages the technical aspects of the project on behalf of the partners involved: European Parliament (EP), Council of the European Union (Consilium), European Commission (COM), Court of Justice (CJEU), European Central Bank (ECB), European Court of Auditors (ECA), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC/CoR), European Committee of the Regions (EESC/CoR), European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CoT). 

The IATE data structure is based on a concept-oriented approach, which means that each entry corresponds to a concept (terms are grouped by their meaning), and each concept should ideally be covered by a single entry. Each IATE entry is divided into three levels:  

  • Language Independent Level (LIL)  

  • Language Level (LL)  

  • Term Level (TL) For more information, see Section 3 ('Structure Overview') below. 

Reference source for professionals and useful for the general public

IATE reflects the needs of translators in the European Union, so that any field that has appeared or may appear in the texts of the publications of the EU environment, its agencies and bodies can be covered. The financial crisis, the environment, fisheries and migration are areas that have been worked on intensively in recent years. To achieve the best result, IATE uses the EuroVoc thesaurus as a classification system for thematic fields.  

As we have already pointed out, this database can be used by anyone who is looking for the right term about the European Union. IATE allows exploration in fields other than that of the term consulted and filtering of the domains in all EuroVoc fields and descriptors. The technologies used mean that the results obtained are highly accurate and are displayed as an enriched list that also includes a clear distinction between exact and fuzzy matches of the term. 

The public version of IATE includes the official languages of the European Union, as defined in Regulation No. 1 of 1958. In addition, a systematic feed is carried out through proactive projects: if it is known that a certain topic is to be covered in EU texts, files relating to this topic are created or improved so that, when the texts arrive, the translators already have the required terminology in IATE.  

How to use IATE  

To search in IATE, simply type in a keyword or part of a collection name. You can define further filters for your search, such as institution, type or date of creation. Once the search has been performed, a collection and at least one display language are selected.  

To download subsets of IATE data you need to be registered, a completely free option that allows you to store some user preferences in addition to downloading. Downloading is also a simple process and can be done in csv or tbx format. 

The IATE download file, whose information can also be accessed in other ways, contains the following fields:   

  • Language independent level:   

  • Token number: the unique identifier of each concept.  

  • Subject field: the concepts are linked to fields of knowledge in which they are used. The conceptual structure is organized around twenty-one thematic fields with various subfields. It should be noted that concepts can be linked to more than one thematic field.   

  • Language level:   

  • Language code: each language has its own ISO code.   

  • Term level  

  • Term: concept of the token.   

  • Type of term. They can be: terms, abbreviation, phrase, formula or short formula.  

  • Reliability code. IATE uses four codes to indicate the reliability of terms: untested, minimal, reliable or very reliable.   

  • Evaluation. When several terms are stored in a language, specific evaluations can be assigned as follows: preferable, admissible, discarded, obsolete and proposed. 

A continuously updated terminology database  

The IATE database is a document in constant growth, open to public participation, so that anyone can contribute to its growth by proposing new terminologies to be added to existing files, or to create new files: you can send your proposal to, or use the 'Comments' link that appears at the bottom right of the file of the term you are looking for. You can provide as much relevant information as you wish to justify the reliability of the proposed term, or suggest a new term for inclusion. A terminologist of the language in question will study each citizen's proposal and evaluate its inclusion in the IATE.  

In August 2023, IATE announced the availability of version 2.30.0 of this data system, adding new fields to its platform and improving functions, such as the export of enriched files to optimize data filtering. As we have seen, this EU inter-institutional terminology database will continue to evolve continuously to meet the needs of EU translators and IATE users in general. 

Another important aspect is that this database is used for the development of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, which helps to ensure the quality of the translation work of the EU translation services. The results of translators' terminology work are stored in IATE and translators, in turn, use this database for interactive searches and to feed domain- or document-specific terminology databases for use in their CAT tools.  

IATE, with more than 7 million terms in over 700,000 entries, is a reference in the field of terminology and is considered the largest multilingual terminology database in the world. More than 55 million queries are made to IATE each year from more than 200 countries, which is a testament to its usefulness.