High-Value Data Sets: Understanding the Data Providers' Perspective

Fecha del documento: 14-06-2022

Data providers

This report published by the European Data Portal (EDP) covers the following topics. 

Making data available as open data in all EU Member States is vital to harnessing its potential for European society and economy. In order to increase impact effectively, efforts must target the datasets that have the greatest potential in society and the economy. 

 In the regulation on open data and re-use of public sector information, the European Commission is mandated to adopt an implementing regulation specifying high-value datasets. 

 The line of argument developed in this report parallels what the Commission has done during the first quarter of 2021, to prepare the implementing regulation that includes a list of high-value datasets. This report reviews relevant literature, policy decisions and national initiatives to enable a deeper understanding of the situation around assessing the value of datasets. 

The report is available at this link: "High-Value Datasets: Understanding the Data Providers' Perspective"