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  • Foto Re3gistry: facilitating the semantic interoperability of data 20-09-2023

    The INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Directive sets out the general rules for the establishment of an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community based on the Infrastructures of the...

  • Header of the infographic APIs for accessing tourism and culture and leisure data as a related sector APIS for accessing and downloading tourism data 31-03-2022

    Spain was the second country in the world that received the most tourists during 2019, with 83.8 million visitors. That year, tourism activity represented 12.4% of GDP, employing more than 2.2 million people (12.7% of the total). It is therefore a...

  • APIs for access to open data and/or their metadata APIs for open data Access 31-01-2022

    Last December, the Congress of Deputies approved Royal Decree-Law 24/2021, which included the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the reuse of public sector information. This Royal Decree amends Law 37/2007 on the reuse of public...

  • Woman looking at computer with real-time data The value of real-time data through a practical example 23-09-2021

    Life happens in real time and much of our life, today, takes place in the digital world. Data, our data, is the representation of how we live hybrid experiences between the physical and the virtual. If we want to know what is happening around us, we must...

  • Las librerías y APIs de visualización de datos más populares The most popular data visualization APIs and libraries 03-06-2021

    A couple of weeks ago, we commented in this article the importance of data analysis tools to generate representations that allow a better understanding of the information and make better decisions. In this article we divide these tools into 2 categories...

  • Logo Graphql Data products with GraphQ 25-05-2021

    When it comes to infrastructure, the foundation of our modern civilisation is based on concrete and steel. Wherever we look, large structures such as roads, buildings, cars, trains and planes are made of concrete and metal. In the digital world,...

  • API API Friendliness Checker. A much needed tool in the age of data products. 18-03-2021

    Many people don't know, but we are surrounded by APIs. APIs are the mechanism by which services communicate on the Internet. APIs are what make it possible for us to log into our email or make a purchase online. API stands for Application Programming...