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data science

  • Girl typing on computer and icons representing summer data courses. 8 summer courses to learn about data and related technologies 19-06-2024

    For many people, summer means the arrival of the vacations, a time to rest or disconnect. But those days off are also an opportunity to train in various areas and improve our competitive skills. For those who want to take advantage of the next few...

  • icons representing books and education on a keyboard 7 free books and manuals on data science 23-04-2024

    Today, 23 April, is World Book Day, an occasion to highlight the importance of reading, writing and the dissemination of knowledge. Active reading promotes the acquisition of skills and critical thinking by bringing us closer to specialised and...

  • masters The universities increase their open data offer 28-08-2018

    Data is one of the main forces that move our economic and social environment. The data allow us to make better decisions at the right time and place, make predictions about how a market will change or know the impact of the last measures . Therefore,...

  • IA Data Science, machine learning and deep learning 05-04-2018

    Data science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to extract actuable knowledge from datasets, structured in databases or unstructured as texts, audios or videos. Thanks to the application of new techniques, data science is allowing for answering...

  • data science, formacion, EDSA, datos Ciclo formativo en ciencia de datos en European Data Science Academy 05-07-2017

    European Data Science Academy (EDSA) es una plataforma de integración de cursos gratuitos que ofrece planes de estudios para la formación en ciencias de datos y en ciencias de la información.  En concreto, ha diseñado currículos modulares...

  • Data Science Awards Spain 2017 16-06-2017

    Best big data business initiative in Spain, best data scientist and best data reporter. The second edition of the Data Science Awards Spain 2017 is organized into three categories. Organized by Synergic Partners, with the support of Telefónica, Data...