Education Figures in Spain: Statistics and Indicators. Edition 2022


The statistical yearbook Las cifras de la educación en España, shows the most significant aspects of education in our country, through statistical information from different sources, and presented in a joint and synthetic way. For this purpose, relevant data, indicators and graphs have been used, with the aim of providing an agile vision of education and, in this way, facilitating its understanding and use both for people in the educational world and for society in general. This publication is structured into the following main sections, each of which, in turn, groups together several chapters: The context of education: geographical, demographic and economic; The resources allocated to education: the educational offer of the centres, human resources, complementary services, expenditure on education and grants and study aids; Schooling, transition and the results of the education system; Education: presenting the main characteristics of each level/regime of education/training of the education system, training for employment, permanent and continuous training and other education and training; Various aspects of schooling: the linguistic models in which teaching is provided, the teaching of foreign languages as a subject and its use as a language of instruction, the teaching of religion and foreign pupils; The long-term results of education: in the labour market and in social and cultural behaviour; The relations of the Spanish education system with the outside world: educational action abroad and the homologation, validation and recognition of foreign qualifications, as well as participation in European educational mobility programmes; International statistical indicators: the comparative situation with neighbouring countries.


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Geographic coverage Spain
Languages Spanish