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  • Cover of Data visualisation guide for Local Authorities Data Visualisation Guide for Local Authorities 12-12-2022

    The FEMP's Network of Local Entities for Transparency and Citizen Participation has just presented a guide focused on data visualisation. The document, which takes as a reference the Guide to data visualisation developed by the City Council of L'...

  • Visualización datos abiertos Data processing and visualization tools 24-03-2021

    Visualization is critical for data analysis. It provides a first line of attack, revealing intricate structures in data that cannot be absorbed otherwise. We discover unimaginable effects and question those that have been imagined." William S....

  • visualización datos How to integrate a visualization tool into a data platform 02-12-2020

    The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is a clear example of popular wisdom based on science. 90% of the information we process is visual, thanks to a million nerve fibers that link the eye to the brain and more than 20,000 million neurons...

  • Data visualization Data visualization: definition, technologies and tools 24-11-2016

    There is increasingly more information, to such extent that the current society lives surrounded by data. Nevertheless, one of the most common criticisms of this mass of information is its lack of usability. It is not only a matter of publishing data on...